Since I've been out of the loop for so long, I have no idea even how old Uf6 is. It seems like this forum is seldomly visited by people, the mailing list seems to be long dead, the showcase only contains ancient stuff, the pdf manual is incomplete, the online manual contains dead links, and to top it off, the subdomain for the public formula library seems to be dead in the water. Is there any hope in getting in touch with more ultrafractalists (like in the 2000s era mailing list) or future UF bugfixes/improvements? I feel like I must be missing something.

Since I've been out of the loop for so long, I have no idea even how old Uf6 is. It seems like this forum is seldomly visited by people, the mailing list seems to be long dead, the showcase only contains ancient stuff, the pdf manual is incomplete, the online manual contains dead links, and to top it off, the subdomain for the public formula library seems to be dead in the water. Is there any hope in getting in touch with more ultrafractalists (like in the 2000s era mailing list) or future UF bugfixes/improvements? I feel like I must be missing something.
edited Jul 22 at 7:59 am

Actually, a bugfix release version 6.06 came out recently, check it out.

Actually, a bugfix release version 6.06 came out recently, check it out.

Hi Mark,

I’m still keeping UF up to date and have been releasing updates regularly. The last 6.06 update added native support for Apple Silicon Macs which was a huge task because the code generation part of the internal formula compiler needed to be rewritten.

I too miss the mailing list and the activity we had. I would definitely welcome more activity here on this forum!

The formula database subdomain is not compatible with SSL which is why you are getting an error, but you can click through that and it will work. Updating within UF also works. I will work on fixing this. And I’ll also update the PDF manual but it is up to date for version 6.

Please let me know the dead links in the online manual and I’ll fix them.

Last but not least, thanks for this post. Let’s keep UF alive… together.

Hi Mark, I’m still keeping UF up to date and have been releasing updates regularly. The last 6.06 update added native support for Apple Silicon Macs which was a huge task because the code generation part of the internal formula compiler needed to be rewritten. I too miss the mailing list and the activity we had. I would definitely welcome more activity here on this forum! The formula database subdomain is not compatible with SSL which is why you are getting an error, but you can click through that and it will work. Updating within UF also works. I will work on fixing this. And I’ll also update the PDF manual but it is up to date for version 6. Please let me know the dead links in the online manual and I’ll fix them. Last but not least, thanks for this post. Let’s keep UF alive… together.

Ultra Fractal author


Hoi Frederik,

It's the PDF manual that is missing pages on certain topics and the associated bookmark hyperlinks are dead. For example "Headings" linked on page 238 or the built-in operators and functions, linked on page 241.

If the formula library site is non-secure then you can only view and not log in (because your credentials would be sent unencrypted), which makes it useless. The formulas that UF downloads is not what I meant, as that also doesn't require authentication.

Hoi Frederik, It's the PDF manual that is missing pages on certain topics and the associated bookmark hyperlinks are dead. For example "Headings" linked on page 238 or the built-in operators and functions, linked on page 241. If the formula library site is non-secure then you can only _view_ and not log in (because your credentials would be sent unencrypted), which makes it useless. The formulas that UF downloads is not what I meant, as that also doesn't require authentication.

You can log into the formula database page, but you are correct that credentials are not sent in encrypted form.

The PDF manual intentionally doesn’t include the formula reference because it would make it very large and impractical for printing. You can also access the entire manual online here:

You can log into the formula database page, but you are correct that credentials are not sent in encrypted form. The PDF manual intentionally doesn’t include the formula reference because it would make it very large and impractical for printing. You can also access the entire manual online here:

Ultra Fractal author

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