Memory management

Ultra Fractal manages the memory for all objects that are created automatically, and normally you do not have to worry about this. However, if you create a large number of objects, or if your objects are large because they use large arrays, you might want to know how you can influence memory usage during a calculation.

The lifetime of an object is managed with reference counting. As long as there is a reference to an object, it will not be freed. If the last reference to an object goes out of scope, if another object is stored to the reference, or if it is set to 0, the object is freed immediately.

For debugging purposes, you can print the name and reference count of an object. This example uses the Point example class:

Point p = new Point(0, 0)
print(p)       ; Prints Point (1)
Point pt2 = p  ; Create a second reference
print(p)       ; Prints Point (2)
p = 0          ; Clears the first reference
print(pt2)     ; Prints Point (1)
pt2 = 0        ; Frees the Point object
print(pt2)     ; Prints 0

As you can see, you can free an object by setting all reference that point to it to 0, the null reference. You can use this to reclaim memory during a calculation.

When using recursive data structures, you can easily get the situation where two objects contain references to each other. In this case, the reference count of both objects will never reach zero. To solve this, Ultra Fractal keeps a running list of all live objects and will free them once the entire calculation is finished. If you need to reclaim memory earlier, you need to explicitly set the references to 0 so the objects can be freed. You could say that Ultra Fractal uses deterministic garbage collection, in contrast to environments like Java or .NET which use nondeterministic garbage collection.

Again, normally you do not have to worry about this because the amount of memory consumed by objects is usually very modest. But in case memory usage becomes a problem, you can use this information to track down the reference counts of objects and make sure they are freed when necessary.

Next: Writing transformations

See Also