Introduction to Masking

Note: You need Ultra Fractal Creative Edition or Extended Edition to use masks.

One of the most exciting features of Ultra Fractal is the ability to create layers that serve as masks for other layers. These layers contain areas of both transparency and opacity that allow only designated areas of the linked layer to be visible. This ability opens up a whole range of artistic possibilities that have never before been available in fractal software.

Before we get to the actual masking concept, though, let's create a new image using some of the skills we have learned thus far.

  • Create a New Fractal using the Julia formula.
  • Select the text below, then press Ctrl+C (Windows) or Cmd+C (Mac) to copy it to the Clipboard.
  • Right-click on the Julia Seed parameter on the Formula tab and click Paste Complex Value.
  • Apply the Triangle Inequality Average coloring algorithm on the Outside tab.

Note that the Julia calculation formula and the Triangle Inequality Average coloring algorithm each have a Bailout parameter. This tells Ultra Fractal how many times to iterate the formula before designating a point "inside" or "outside."

Inside and outside points

In this case, the bailout setting for the Julia formula is 4 and the bailout for the Triangle Inequality Average coloring is 1e20 — a much higher number (100 sextillion) that, for our purposes, approximates infinity.

  • This coloring algorithm is intended to work best when the formula and coloring have matching bailout values, so let's change the Bailout value on the Formula tab to 1e20 to match the higher value on the Outside tab.
  • Next, open the Gradient Editor and rotate the rotation slider to the left until the Rotation setting is -137.

Our first layer should look like this:

  • In this image, we are going to name our layers by the coloring algorithm used, so Rename this layer to TIA.

Next: Layer 2 - Waves Trap