I ran into a bit of a headscratcher today when moving a commented line changed the output of my fractal formula. I eventually figured out that I had two comments, the first of which was a line ending in \ (the continuation character), and any line following a comment which ends with \ is not executed.
While this kind of makes sense when thinking about it (i.e. the current command continues in the next line) it is counterintuitive to have this happen for comments. I have some suggestions:
- make the \ char not work in comments
- mark the following line as comment too
- like 1, but add some way of making multi-line comments, unless there already is one.
best regards,
I ran into a bit of a headscratcher today when moving a commented line changed the output of my fractal formula. I eventually figured out that I had two comments, the first of which was a line ending in \ (the continuation character), and any line following a comment which ends with \ is not executed.
While this kind of makes sense when thinking about it (i.e. the current command continues in the next line) it is counterintuitive to have this happen for comments. I have some suggestions:
1. make the \ char not work in comments
2. mark the following line as comment too
3. like 1, but add some way of making multi-line comments, unless there already is one.
best regards,