I've been a longtime user of Photoshop and other graphics applications, but not spent much time creating fractals. I've looked at hundreds of fractals and there is one style in particular I really like and would be happy to create in a variety of ways. I think it's referred to as chaotic bundle or chaotic thread, but I may be mistaken regarding this. What I need help with is the steps in UF to create this look. I've included a graphic of a fractal in this general style. Any help would be appreciated as my research has not been productive.
I've been a longtime user of Photoshop and other graphics applications, but not spent much time creating fractals. I've looked at hundreds of fractals and there is one style in particular I really like and would be happy to create in a variety of ways. I think it's referred to as chaotic bundle or chaotic thread, but I may be mistaken regarding this. What I need help with is the steps in UF to create this look. I've included a graphic of a fractal in this general style. Any help would be appreciated as my research has not been productive.