Does anyone have the old gradient library? My hard drive died and I lost everything and am hoping someone has at least some of the old gradients.

Does anyone have the old gradient library? My hard drive died and I lost everything and am hoping someone has at least some of the old gradients.

This is what I have on my PC.

Volume in drive D has no label.
Volume Serial Number is F8C1-7D23

Directory of d:\Data\Ultrafractal\Gradients

23/01/2023 10:02 <DIR> .
23/01/2023 10:02 <DIR> ..
06/02/2000 20:49 4.641 lkm.ugr
27/10/1999 14:43 58.193 Maps01.ugr
28/10/1999 06:53 147.996 Maps02.ugr
28/10/1999 06:56 31.350 Maps03.ugr
28/10/1999 06:45 110.912 Maps04.ugr
28/10/1999 06:58 17.486 Maps05.ugr
28/10/1999 07:02 70.108 Maps06.ugr
28/10/1999 07:09 221.701 Maps07.ugr
27/10/1999 15:26 265.805 Maps08.ugr
27/10/1999 15:01 98.223 Maps09.ugr
27/10/1999 14:53 81.589 Maps10.ugr
27/10/1999 14:44 74.939 Maps11.ugr
19/08/2004 02:00 991 Standard.ugr
30/01/2014 02:15 3.459 Tutorial.ugr
15 File(s) 1.187.393 bytes
2 Dir(s) 315.660.619.776 bytes free

Do you want me to sent them to you ?

Jan Vyvey

This is what I have on my PC. Volume in drive D has no label. Volume Serial Number is F8C1-7D23 Directory of d:\Data\Ultrafractal\Gradients 23/01/2023 10:02 &lt;DIR&gt; . 23/01/2023 10:02 &lt;DIR&gt; .. 06/02/2000 20:49 4.641 lkm.ugr 27/10/1999 14:43 58.193 Maps01.ugr 28/10/1999 06:53 147.996 Maps02.ugr 28/10/1999 06:56 31.350 Maps03.ugr 28/10/1999 06:45 110.912 Maps04.ugr 28/10/1999 06:58 17.486 Maps05.ugr 28/10/1999 07:02 70.108 Maps06.ugr 28/10/1999 07:09 221.701 Maps07.ugr 27/10/1999 15:26 265.805 Maps08.ugr 27/10/1999 15:01 98.223 Maps09.ugr 27/10/1999 14:53 81.589 Maps10.ugr 27/10/1999 14:44 74.939 Maps11.ugr 19/08/2004 02:00 991 Standard.ugr 30/01/2014 02:15 3.459 Tutorial.ugr 15 File(s) 1.187.393 bytes 2 Dir(s) 315.660.619.776 bytes free Do you want me to sent them to you ? Jan Vyvey

Does anyone have the old gradient library? My hard drive died and I lost everything and am hoping someone has at least some of the old gradients.

Reinstalling the program should restore the default gradient file if that is what you mean. There is only one as far as I am aware.

Alternatively, try saving the following text as "standard.ugr" in your gradients folder to at least get the default ones back in place:

Royal {
  title="Royal" smooth=yes numnodes=4 index=0 color=9043968 index=69
  color=3158085 index=150 color=14736366 index=302 color=675176

Lighting {
; Use with Lighting coloring algorithm.
  title="Lighting" smooth=yes index=0 color=0 index=399 color=16777215
  smooth=no index=0 opacity=255

Emboss {
; Use with Emboss coloring algorithm.
  title="Emboss" smooth=no index=0 color=0 index=100 color=0 index=200
  color=8355711 index=300 color=16777215 index=390 color=16777215
  smooth=no index=0 opacity=255

Grayscale {
; Simple grayscale gradient.
  title="Grayscale" smooth=yes index=0 color=0 index=200 color=16777215
  smooth=no index=0 opacity=255

Default {
; Default Ultra Fractal gradient.
  title="Default" smooth=yes index=0 color=8716288 index=100 color=16121855
  index=200 color=46591 index=300 color=156
  smooth=no index=0 opacity=255
&gt;Does anyone have the old gradient library? My hard drive died and I lost everything and am hoping someone has at least some of the old gradients. Reinstalling the program should restore the default gradient file if that is what you mean. There is only one as far as I am aware. Alternatively, try saving the following text as &quot;standard.ugr&quot; in your gradients folder to at least get the default ones back in place: ```` Royal { gradient: title=&quot;Royal&quot; smooth=yes numnodes=4 index=0 color=9043968 index=69 color=3158085 index=150 color=14736366 index=302 color=675176 } Lighting { ; Use with Lighting coloring algorithm. gradient: title=&quot;Lighting&quot; smooth=yes index=0 color=0 index=399 color=16777215 opacity: smooth=no index=0 opacity=255 } Emboss { ; Use with Emboss coloring algorithm. gradient: title=&quot;Emboss&quot; smooth=no index=0 color=0 index=100 color=0 index=200 color=8355711 index=300 color=16777215 index=390 color=16777215 opacity: smooth=no index=0 opacity=255 } Grayscale { ; Simple grayscale gradient. gradient: title=&quot;Grayscale&quot; smooth=yes index=0 color=0 index=200 color=16777215 opacity: smooth=no index=0 opacity=255 } Default { ; Default Ultra Fractal gradient. gradient: title=&quot;Default&quot; smooth=yes index=0 color=8716288 index=100 color=16121855 index=200 color=46591 index=300 color=156 opacity: smooth=no index=0 opacity=255 } ````

Chris Martin

Currently using UF6.05 on Windows 11 Professional 64-bit


This is what I have on my PC.

Volume in drive D has no label.
Volume Serial Number is F8C1-7D23

Directory of d:\Data\Ultrafractal\Gradients

23/01/2023 10:02 <DIR> .
23/01/2023 10:02 <DIR> ..
06/02/2000 20:49 4.641 lkm.ugr
27/10/1999 14:43 58.193 Maps01.ugr
28/10/1999 06:53 147.996 Maps02.ugr
28/10/1999 06:56 31.350 Maps03.ugr
28/10/1999 06:45 110.912 Maps04.ugr
28/10/1999 06:58 17.486 Maps05.ugr
28/10/1999 07:02 70.108 Maps06.ugr
28/10/1999 07:09 221.701 Maps07.ugr
27/10/1999 15:26 265.805 Maps08.ugr
27/10/1999 15:01 98.223 Maps09.ugr
27/10/1999 14:53 81.589 Maps10.ugr
27/10/1999 14:44 74.939 Maps11.ugr
19/08/2004 02:00 991 Standard.ugr
30/01/2014 02:15 3.459 Tutorial.ugr
15 File(s) 1.187.393 bytes
2 Dir(s) 315.660.619.776 bytes free

Do you want me to sent them to you ?

Jan Vyvey

Yes, please! would you like me to make a folder for you to drop them into on my google drive?

&gt;This is what I have on my PC. &gt;Volume in drive D has no label. &gt;Volume Serial Number is F8C1-7D23 &gt;Directory of d:\Data\Ultrafractal\Gradients &gt;23/01/2023 10:02 &lt;DIR&gt; . &gt;23/01/2023 10:02 &lt;DIR&gt; .. &gt;06/02/2000 20:49 4.641 lkm.ugr &gt;27/10/1999 14:43 58.193 Maps01.ugr &gt;28/10/1999 06:53 147.996 Maps02.ugr &gt;28/10/1999 06:56 31.350 Maps03.ugr &gt;28/10/1999 06:45 110.912 Maps04.ugr &gt;28/10/1999 06:58 17.486 Maps05.ugr &gt;28/10/1999 07:02 70.108 Maps06.ugr &gt;28/10/1999 07:09 221.701 Maps07.ugr &gt;27/10/1999 15:26 265.805 Maps08.ugr &gt;27/10/1999 15:01 98.223 Maps09.ugr &gt;27/10/1999 14:53 81.589 Maps10.ugr &gt;27/10/1999 14:44 74.939 Maps11.ugr &gt;19/08/2004 02:00 991 Standard.ugr &gt;30/01/2014 02:15 3.459 Tutorial.ugr &gt; 15 File(s) 1.187.393 bytes &gt; 2 Dir(s) 315.660.619.776 bytes free &gt;Do you want me to sent them to you ? &gt;Jan Vyvey Yes, please! would you like me to make a folder for you to drop them into on my google drive?

Does anyone have the old gradient library? My hard drive died and I lost everything and am hoping someone has at least some of the old gradients.

Reinstalling the program should restore the default gradient file if that is what you mean. There is only one as far as I am aware.

Alternatively, try saving the following text as "standard.ugr" in your gradients folder to at least get the default ones back in place:

Royal {
 title="Royal" smooth=yes numnodes=4 index=0 color=9043968 index=69
 color=3158085 index=150 color=14736366 index=302 color=675176

Lighting {
; Use with Lighting coloring algorithm.
 title="Lighting" smooth=yes index=0 color=0 index=399 color=16777215
 smooth=no index=0 opacity=255

Emboss {
; Use with Emboss coloring algorithm.
 title="Emboss" smooth=no index=0 color=0 index=100 color=0 index=200
 color=8355711 index=300 color=16777215 index=390 color=16777215
 smooth=no index=0 opacity=255

Grayscale {
; Simple grayscale gradient.
 title="Grayscale" smooth=yes index=0 color=0 index=200 color=16777215
 smooth=no index=0 opacity=255

Default {
; Default Ultra Fractal gradient.
 title="Default" smooth=yes index=0 color=8716288 index=100 color=16121855
 index=200 color=46591 index=300 color=156
 smooth=no index=0 opacity=255

i have the default gradient. I'm looking for the gradients that were shared with the original UF group quite some years back.

&gt;&gt;Does anyone have the old gradient library? My hard drive died and I lost everything and am hoping someone has at least some of the old gradients. &gt;Reinstalling the program should restore the default gradient file if that is what you mean. There is only one as far as I am aware. &gt;Alternatively, try saving the following text as &quot;standard.ugr&quot; in your gradients folder to at least get the default ones back in place: &gt;```` &gt;Royal { &gt;gradient: &gt; title=&quot;Royal&quot; smooth=yes numnodes=4 index=0 color=9043968 index=69 &gt; color=3158085 index=150 color=14736366 index=302 color=675176 &gt;} &gt;Lighting { &gt;; Use with Lighting coloring algorithm. &gt;gradient: &gt; title=&quot;Lighting&quot; smooth=yes index=0 color=0 index=399 color=16777215 &gt;opacity: &gt; smooth=no index=0 opacity=255 &gt;} &gt;Emboss { &gt;; Use with Emboss coloring algorithm. &gt;gradient: &gt; title=&quot;Emboss&quot; smooth=no index=0 color=0 index=100 color=0 index=200 &gt; color=8355711 index=300 color=16777215 index=390 color=16777215 &gt;opacity: &gt; smooth=no index=0 opacity=255 &gt;} &gt;Grayscale { &gt;; Simple grayscale gradient. &gt;gradient: &gt; title=&quot;Grayscale&quot; smooth=yes index=0 color=0 index=200 color=16777215 &gt;opacity: &gt; smooth=no index=0 opacity=255 &gt;} &gt;Default { &gt;; Default Ultra Fractal gradient. &gt;gradient: &gt; title=&quot;Default&quot; smooth=yes index=0 color=8716288 index=100 color=16121855 &gt; index=200 color=46591 index=300 color=156 &gt;opacity: &gt; smooth=no index=0 opacity=255 &gt;} &gt;```` i have the default gradient. I&#039;m looking for the gradients that were shared with the original UF group quite some years back.

Hi Jan. I'm also interested in these. Would it be possible for you to put them on the server where the UF Shared Archive is? (Also, thanks much for maintaining that archive.)

Hi Jan. I&#039;m also interested in these. Would it be possible for you to put them on the server where the UF Shared Archive is? (Also, thanks much for maintaining that archive.)


Hoi everyone,

I've put the file "" on the same map in the cloud where you can find the parameter collections,!1034&authkey=!ALIZio6ZmgV1aAo&ithint=folder%2ctxt

Greetings from Belgium,

Jan Vyvey

Hoi everyone, I&#039;ve put the file &quot;; on the same map in the cloud where you can find the parameter collections,!1034&amp;authkey=!ALIZio6ZmgV1aAo&amp;ithint=folder%2ctxt Greetings from Belgium, Jan Vyvey

I just grabbed them. These are great. Thank you!

I just grabbed them. These are great. Thank you!


Thank you so very much, Jan. You are a real life saver. really appreciate this. Mike's I can do without but these I use all the time and was in real pain with losing them

Thank you so very much, Jan. You are a real life saver. really appreciate this. Mike&#039;s I can do without but these I use all the time and was in real pain with losing them
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